signs you're being used

Signs you are being used

Signs you are being used in a relationship

Your partner tries to control your emotions

One of the most obvious signs that you are being used is when someone tries to control your emotions or if you feel you are emotionally manipulated. There are signs you are being used that relate directly to emotional manipulation. You will be pushed or pulled in different directions without your consent.  They are often used in a manipulative relationship and a relationship where one person has more power and control than the other.

They want to take your control away from you. They will make you feel guilty for things you did and make sure you never break free. They are experts at getting you to blame yourself for their problems. They will tell you that you’re unlovable, that you are too needy and dependent, that you need to just listen to them and give them your trust.

The Power Imbalance A clear sign that you are being abused in a relationship where one partner has more power than the other is when the power imbalance is obvious. You will feel like you cannot trust your spouse and that everything they do is to hurt you. Your spouse may constantly criticize you or talk behind your back about things that you have no control over. They never offer you any support and never listen to you. They use you as a punching bag and then when you rebel they turn on you even more.

Distorted Communication

Their communication is distorted. You will never get straight answers to your questions. They will always try to find reasons why you are not answering their questions. They never offer any solution to your problems and never do anything to make you happy. They will say and do all kinds of nasty things just to see you angry.

signs you're being used in a relationship

Play games

Possible signs that you may be being used in your relationship include: your partner has a tendency to “play games” with you, they only call when they want something, they don’t show their affection towards you, and they are more interested in spending time with their friends.

Critisize You

Another sign that You Are Being Used is When you come home to your daily routines there will be at least one sign your spouse is trying to control you. They will complain about the dishes, the clothes, the phone, the kids, and everything else. They will never offer you any help and will criticize you constantly. They are very good at finding all sorts of reasons to make you mad. The important people in your life are never important enough for them.

Fading emotional connection

When your emotional connection is fading you will see lots of signs your emotional connection is fading. You will miss sleeping and eating with your spouse. They will become distant and become someone new to you. They will avoid emotional contact with you or they will become too comfortable around you. They will be withdrawing emotionally and they will say and do things that make you feel guilty or bad.

They will start to change and will become meaner and more cruel. They will talk badly about you behind your back and they will treat you badly in general. They will feel like you do not deserve them and they will feel entitled to your time and your money. They may even feel like they have to hurt you to make themselves feel better.

They are always asking for favors or want to you do everything for them all the time. But will not  return the favor. It is only about them and what they want from you and that is all that matters to them.  Your thoughts and feelings do not matter.

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